Friday, January 29, 2010

Things on my mind from this past week:

let's see..

-8 AM classes.. enough said.
-Trig, Trig, Trig and more trig.
-Raiderlink is awesome (even though I can't do anything on it)
-In response to previous bullet: I'm broke.
-Redlines, redlines, redlines.
-In response to previous bullet: Hollister sucks (but you all know that).

but most importantly..


who's going you ask?

well, first of all, do you live under a rock?

my team: New Orleans Saints

and a team that i highly respect: Indianapolis Colts

The game of the year just got bigger. This is the Saints' first superbowl, and the Colts' 209382845th. Hah! To be honest, i don't care who wins. I'm just happy that the Saints even got to the superbowl, but of course i'm going to pull for them anyway. One of the "worst" teams in the NFL are finally getting the respect they deserve, and i couldn't be happier to be apart of the "Who Dat Nation". The "Ain'ts," ain't no more.

I have to say, living in Dallas is kind of interesting around this time. Half of the Cowboys fans are still pulling for the Saints because they beat the Vikes (karma Farve, karma), and the other half are still loyal to their team and insist on seeing the Saints go down. To those Cowboy fans, I say, tune into the game, and we'll see what happens. That's what i've been saying all season anyway.


Praise Breesus, Geaux Saints!!

Friday, January 22, 2010


i knew as a high school senior that i'd want to start off my freshman year of college with a pretty easy transition. i had heard so many stories of how many freshman drop out of college each year and i didn't want to end up being one of those people, but now that i have experienced a little more of "college experience" (work-wise hah), i am so incredibly happy to announce that i have just been accepted into the university that i've been wanting to go to for a while now. Texas Tech. :)
Gooo Red Raiders!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


skype keeps us close :)
I love my husband <3

sound orgy.

a husband and wife skype dialouge:

Greg Browning: its loud in here
or not lod
but theres just alot of different noises

Lindsay Quintana: like what haha

Greg Browning: a sound orgy if you will

Lindsay Quintana: hahahahaha

Greg Browning: modern warfare
and music

Lindsay Quintana: ahh
the sounds of college

bang bang!

it's always nice to do something for yourself as an ego booster.

i personally love gettng haircuts because it's a way for me to change myself a little to get motivated to other things for myself like exercising (which i need to get going on again).

hooray for new bangs!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


internets. (cont'd.)

2010 will be my year.

i don't say that to be a cheeseball with a bunch of resolutions that will never happen, but i really do plan on making this year different from the rest.

so why did i continue this with my first post? well it's because i want to use this blog as somewhat of an escape. i can write anything i want on here without getting held back by other people's rude inputs or loaded opinions..
i have a lot of hope for what's to come, and i plan on being a happier person from now on. :)
now enough of that sappy stuff. :P
how 'bout them saints?? hah!
okay wait let me just say that the cowboys did NOT deserve a loss like the one they got today. i mean what the hell happened to them? they couldn't do anything! the vikings have just turned into the new eagles for me today because of that last TD. that was just wrong.
Saints, let's show them who's boss.

WHO DAT!? Praise Breesus!!


i'm finding myself getting deeper into the world of the internets again.
this is not good, but awesome at the same time.
more thoughts later..

love lindsay.